John Diggle Arrow David Ramsey Brown Jacket
Based on the DC Universe character Green Arrow, Arrow is a well-liked American superhero television series. The drama revolves around a vigilante named Oliver Queen who, after five grueling years on a mystery island in China, gains superpowers and begins to battle the powerful and corrupt residents of Star City. One of the first characters in the series to be introduced is John Diggle Diggle is one of the original members of Team Arrow and his best friend. Following Oliver’s retirement, he goes by the code name Spartan and becomes the team’s leader. The endearing Paul Ramsey has portrayed the part. Since Diggle was spotted wearing it, the youthful Arrowverse fandom has taken an immediate liking to this. It exudes a strong male feel and is elegant and refined.
Ellis Peterson –
Just wow!! The Jacket is pretty awesome and thanks for delivering me the correct size, I enjoy wearing it and getting compliments.
Adams Martinez –
My jacket was delivered today, I tried it on & it comes perfectly, not too loose or nor tight, I liked the front outlook!
Wilkinson Cox –
The smoothest shipping I ever experienced and the jacket arrived in excellent condition, I cherish the quality, 100% satisfied.